Recertification Credits Option:
The number of credits required every three years for each applicator type is listed in the table along with a handy one-page seminar attendance record sheet. For example, if you are a commercial applicator with Categories 1A and 1B, you will need to earn 24 credits (8 Core + 8 1A + 8 1B) before your credential expires. Although you will fill out the dreaded bubble sheet (Photo 1) at each continuing education meeting, you should keep your own record of your credits in the event that your sheet somehow gets lost and you need to show MDARD you did earn enough credits.
How many seminar credits do I need?
Private applicators need 16 credits to renew the private core.
Commercial or registered applicators need 8 credits to renew the commercial core and 8 credits per additional category. For example, an applicator is certified in categories 3A (turfgrass) and 7A (general pest management). The applicator would need 8 commercial core credits, 8 category 3A credits, and 8 category 7A credits, for a total of 24 credits.
The aerial or fumigation standards require 2 credits per standard.
If you do not have enough seminar credits for renewal, you will need to retake the applicable exam(s).
Click this link and go to to take recertification courses approved by MDARD to renew your Michigan pest control license.