General Pesticide Continuing Education Information Nevada Department of Agriculture is as follows:
Licensed Commercial Applicators (For Hire):
The Nevada Administrative Code (Sections 555.372 thru 555.377) requires continuing education units (CEUs) for all licensed applicators prior to any license renewal. For the licensing year 2006 and forward (January 1 thru December 31 of each year), each licensed applicator in the State of Nevada will be required to successfully obtain at least six (6) CEU’s for the renewal of their commercial Nevada Pest Control License. A breakdown, by license type, for CEU’s is as follows:
Principals, Locations Principals or Primary Principals:
- At least one (1) CEU must be in Laws and Regulations governing the use of pesticides “Laws”;
- Five (5) additional CEU’s must be obtained in the field of pest control (Laws or general).
Operators, consultants, and demonstration and research specialist:
- Six (6) CEU’s must be obtained in the field of pest control (Laws or general).
- No CEU requirement.
Nevada Certified Pesticide Applicators (RUP certificate holders):
- Must have a current and valid certification (either a nonprimary principal commercial (commercial) or private applicator certification.
- 12 total CEU’s need to be obtained during the applicator’s valid certification period
- At least two (2) of the twelve (12) CEU’s must be in Laws and Regulations
- The additional CEU’s must be obtained in the field of pest control (Laws or general)
- For more information on this optional way of renewing a RUP certificate go to the Nevada Pesticide Applicator Certification and Training web site. There you will find the renewal form and associated fees.
Click this link to go to American Pest CEUs and select from our comprehensive list of CEU courses to help you renew your Nevada pesticide license.